Monday, August 24, 2015

Magical Powders Used In Haitian Vodun

Magical powders used in Vodun have been used since the Haitian revolution and go back further than that. The slaves brought with them the knowledge to mix certain herbs, liquids and other substances to match their intention and outcome.

Fast forwarding to this day and age, the main producers of these powders are the bokors of L'Artibonite, which is located in the northern part of Haiti. The people in this area who are serviteurs know their stuff when it comes to this and many other things. I'll explain in another post. Just to be clear, you don't want to mess with people from L'Artibonite. Anyways, these powders mirror the same powders that you find in the Hoodoo path but some of the Haitian powders pack more of a punch due to the ingredients and incantations said and or put in these powders. For example you have "vole barye,basically like Hoodoo's Hot Foot, "banm conmande," commanding powder, "sam di se sa." Do as I say powder, "poudre chanse," powder for luck, and the list goes on and on. Now there's some powders made that can really do damage immediately, like take effect in a couple of minutes.  One powder that is a hot commodity right now is this type of powder where the victim immediately feels like they're burning up and need to take a shower. Well the moment water touches their skin they die. Another hot powder is one where the a spirit is attached to powder. Now when the malfekte, " person who does the bokor's dirty work, lays the trick for you calling on your name, even if it rains the spirit finds a nearby tree and waits for the ground to dry to reactivate the powder laid down for you. Because a custom in Haiti where every morning water is spread in front of the door outside. This serves two purpose, number one is because the majority of people's front yard is dirt, so the water dampens the ground to deter excessive dust. Number two, if someone has laid a trick for you the night before, the water "deactivates" the potency of the powder. The reason I didn't give the name of the last two powders is because some things have to remain a secret. Remember these practices were created to liberate us from slavery and to defend ourselves from some powerful people if the need arouses again. Finally there's  "Vingt-quatre heure," powder which ends the life of the victim in 24hrs.

Most of the magical powders in Haiti have a "kontre poudre." Basically the antidote, but some just don't have one and the victim is just out of luck. This happens when the bokor doesn't know where the powder was made even though he checked with his connections.  Some powders are also male and female. I'll also discuss why this is in another post. Varies malevolent powders are created with juices of corpse. They obtain these "juices" by sometimes hanging corpses upside down for days. But your regular powders can be found at an Haitian Botanica. Be careful not to get colored flour!

Well, I've acquired a great knowledge of what herb, water, fish, curios, and words to use to create certain powders but unfortunately I can not share those with you. All paths have their secrets. I just wanted to shed some light on this particular subject. I see that Vodun and Hoodoo have become the "In" thing and truthfully they are nothing to play with. Haitian Vodun was brought out because we were backed into a corner. Yes it has a loving and healing side, but just because Damballa is a "white" spirit doesn't mean he can't fuck you up if need be. I love how I go online and read various blogs where they talk about how Erzulie Freda is sooo loving, cool, calm, and collected. Yeah, she is but that dagger in her hand isn't there just for show. On a side note, please stop putting Freda and Dantor right next to each other! You know who you are. I've seen the pictures. I'm surprised that that person's house didn't catch on fire. And another FYI is that just because you call that statue a certain name of a lwa doesn't mean that that lwa is there working for you. There are trickster spirits who will work with you too. Certain lwa and Orisha have to come from your blood line! Trust me, there were plenty lwas and Orishas that I wanted to work with and they looked at me cocked eyed!

Anyway, sorry I just had to get that out there. Let me know your thoughts and questions. Until the next post beloveds.


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